ILT Principal Package

Find out how to make the most out of our services!

Many have wanted to be able to inform and train the staff at their school or nursery in our services and take the usage to the next level without much preparation and planning. That is why we have developed the ILT Principal Package, which in a simple and structured way helps you to implement a fresh start in your at your nursery or school.

We offer you as managers and/or pedagogical leaders a review of updates and opportunities in our services as well as materials in the form of films and instructions so that you will feel safe and comfortable with our services. The goal is that you can easily carry out a screening of what is required, hold a workshop and exchange experiences internally at the nursery or school.

What is the Principal’s Package?

Movies, workshops and exchange of experiences!

The principal’s package is a concept where you, as the pedagogical leader / principal, lead your staff through an inspiring new start of the services that ILT Education offers.

The films are made by our experts at ILT Education and lay the foundation for how everyone can use our services.

A guide is included for the person who holds the workshop. The goal is for all teachers to log in and get acquainted with the tools again – and pay attention to updates in the service. There is always plenty going on!

We know from experience that the last part is critical. Here we provide a very simple method, EPA, which gives you tools to lead an exchange of experience with colleagues. The goal here is for all staff to go home with 5-10 practical tips on how they can work better with our services in the classroom. This is perhaps the most rewarding part!

Ready to sign up?

Email us at and we’ll send you the details!